Demi Rose took a break from her world tour to have a dreamy photo shoot in the London area

Instagram’s favorite muse excites fans with a very short dress and part of her derrière on display

Demi Rose took a break from her world travels for a dreamlike shoot in the London area


The English muse Demi Rose definitely took on the dreamlike atmosphere in her new posts and published a series of images where she appears stunning as if she were a Tolkien elf, leaving her followers and fans ecstatic.


‘Daydreaming’, wrote the beauty in the caption of the post, in which she appears wearing a very short white dress that contrasts with the fiery red of her locks. She poses in front of a building that appears to have been constructed with wooden details, whose twisted trunks frame the roof, walls and doors. Furthermore, the model also appears crouched in what appears to be a well.


Regarding the look, Demi also wore a pair of white boots, which delimited the (large) piece of skin exposed on her thighs and ʙᴜᴛᴛ. At the top, a plunging neckline, her trademark, highlighted the neckline and ʙʀᴇᴀsᴛs. Her hair, parted in the middle, serves as a perfect frame.


Demi, who is currently – and miraculously – in England, after trips to Greece, the Maldives and Costa Rica, completes the look with white bows in her hair and a pearl necklace around her neck.


Recently the model, who already had a public affair with rapper Tyga, admitted that she has no restrictions on the gender of her partners, not ruling out being with women. Asked about her preferences by a fan, who wrote ‘boys, girls or both?’, she replied: “I went through a phase of liking girls more than boys. Now I like guys more. It just depends.”

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